Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why hasn't their world stopped?

Have you ever had a big event happen in your life and then been driving down the road...and you see people in cars going to work or the grocery store. I am always amazed to wonder why this day isn't significant in their lives. How could they be going to work on a day like this. What could posses them to continue on in their day normally. The first time I felt this way was on my wedding day. I had dreamed of it as a girl, hoped for it as a 20 something, planned for it while engaged, and was totally absorbed in it on that day. But they didn't even know.

Thursday I had that feeling again. My father-in-law went into a rest home that day. With the circumstances it is the best place for him. But it brings his mortality that much closer. (He has cancer for those who don't know.) I heard it and as I was driving home I just looked at these people and kept wondering why hadn't there world so abruptly stopped like ours had.

All our love Mom and Dad Reid.


amber buhrley said...

Wow Simcah! I didnt even realize. I am so sorry. I know you are close to him and I can imagine that would be hard to see such a strong man you admire so much go down hill. Hoping things get better for you and that you get through this rough time.

Jolynn said...
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Jolynn said...

Chris and Simcah, I am sorry to hear your news! I do know what you mean when you have to stop and wonder why your life has just shattered and no one else has a clue to what you are going through. Those were my thoughts exactly, TWICE, as I drove home empty handed after delivering two children. Going home with an empty car seat is a very LONG and LONELY drive. Best wishes to you and your family.

wilbergrivkah said...

Sim, Love you! You are so strong! I am so here for you! call my anytime you need to talk. Our prayers are deffinately with Bucko!

Wendy & Jason Steenblik said...

Thanks for telling all of us. We'll be praying for him and for his sweet wife. Take care.