Moriella wears a skirt everyday of her life. She is so girly, and she is the prettiest princess. But despite what these pictures show she doesn't wear dresses, or pants, just skirts. She is always doing twirls in her skirts and loves to be feminine. What a fun age. We love our little princess.
Notice how she holds her hands like a princess, naturally.
She also thinks I'm a princess. I think she's the first person in my whole life to really believe this. She goes in my closet everyday, and finds me a skirt to wear. So now I shop, eat, play with my kids and clean toilets in a skirt. Some of you might ask why I play along. To that I say Why Not? I get to act like a princess and do twirls with my cute little girl and it's not very long in life that your kids actually think you're cool. So I might as well hang with her while I've got the chance. This is us doing our twirls for the day.
I always wanted to wear dresses too, but my mom wouldn't let me. I turned out okay in spite of the "princess" faze. I think that we all love to feel pretty.
We'd love you guys to come on new years eve that sounds fun. We've got some new games to play.
See ya soon.
I love it! I want to do some twirls too! She is sooo cute. She is getting so big.
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