Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Your heros.

Greatest Hero!

Who Is Your Hero?

Super Hero? Batman...all the way! Ditto.

Real Life Hero? (Someone you know personally) Our parents. Chris and I have the best parents. I totally scored in parents and In-laws.

Political Hero? Abraham Lincoln. Ditto.

Literary Hero? (That means fictional character from a book) I don't read a whole lot I don't have time.

Historic Hero? The founding fahters. They had the courage to say "In God We Trust", which is made to seem wrong now days. It's not wrong it's necessary.

Book of Mormon Hero? Ammon

Bible Hero? (Besides Christ cause He is everyone's ultimate hero) Ruth and Naiomi

If you were a super-hero what would your power be? x-ray vision

What would your symbol be? underwear(because I would be able to see what everyone was wearing. Ah ha ha.

Family History Hero? Mary Fielding Smith! Sure why not.

What is the most heroic thing you have ever witnessed? a mother who gave her all to her children.

What is the most heroic thing you have ever done? This year I made it possible for my parents to go on a mission.

There is a hero in all of us, what is your trait(s) that make you one? I would do anything for anyone, to a fault usually. But I guess my trait would be interacting with kids, I think I am really good with kids.

Who has become your newest hero in the past week? My friend took on someone elses kid that got taken away from their parent because of neglect. Seeing my sister do it I know how hard it is to take on someone elses kid.

Now it is your turn. Once you have read this you must copy it to your blog/myspace and change the answers for yourself!

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