My grandfather had, had a stroke and he was fading. My Aunt called us and said that we should come say our good-byes. I was driving home from a trip and would be gone for 5 days without the older kids and husband. I had to arrange things for my kids while I was gone. It took me 28 calls in order to get every detail of their life arranged or excused. I must say it did help me realize how much I do in any given week.

I love my Granfather. He was an amazing person who always had a smile on his face and a song in his heart. I always felt special when I got to be around him. I love you Grandpa.

My amazing Aunt Ilene. She always says that I may have been born to Steve and Marsha, but I am her kid. We are very much alike and I admire her so much.

With names like Rivkah, Simcah, Ariel and Simcah you don't see your name on billbords very often. So when you do you have to take note.

Athentic Jewish Deli where we all got called Schikzas.

My brother and his beautiful family. Words can not describe how much I love this brother. He is so smart and loving and and amazing father and husband. I always love when I get the chance to be near him.

My grandfather love York Peppermint Patties and Reese's PB Cups. He had full time nurses at the end. Well they liked to take him out on his patio to enjoy the nice weather. Well one day they had just gotten out there when he said, "I'm ready to go in." His nurse said, "relax we just got out here." This went back and forth and finally my grandpa said, "I'll tell you what, for just one more Reese's I'll stay for 5 more mins." LOL. He had totally planned the whole thing just to get more candy out of her. So in honor of my Grandfather we induldged on Reese's and york peppermint patties in our hotel that night.