I love this pic, all that delicious goodness squirraled away in his little cheek.

Moriella went to a birthday party that we had to pick her up from to leave for camping. They had taken the girls to a salon and had their hair done for the party. Moriella got the latina woman, can you tell? LOL.

Apparently if you have latina hair it comes with latina sass and spice.

As your kids get older and lose some of that cuteness and are off doing things by themselves do you find that you don't photograph them as much as you do the young ones? Sometimes I get home from an event and I don't have a single picture of this handsome boy. But I want to remember all the stages of his and all my kids lives, so I am trying to grab him in action.

Seth and he are the best of friends. Despite their 3 year difference they are inseperable from the second they see each other to the time to say good-bye. I have to give much props to Seth for being such a sweet boy. They really love each other and I am so greatful for all of the friends in Datan's life. They are all really good kids.

Love this picture.

I love little boys that think they have the biggest muscles in the world. These two little boys are especially close to my heart.

Asher doing I Love You to Mom in sign language. Melts my heart.

The number of times she dunked in the freezing cold water!!! She's crazy, no Polar Bear water for me.

These pictures just take me right back there and I love it so much I wish could just climb right in the picture. One time when Datan was 2 1/2 years old we were going to Disnelyland and I wanted him to know what it was so I got out a home video of Disneyland from a few years previous and showed it to him. He was so excited and kept jumping up and trying to climb right into the tv and join the scene in action. I feel like that right now. I wish I could just climb in right next to that fire with all the feelings that come with it.

Yes that is garbage that he is eating and yes I went for the camera not the clean up.