Asher at the Firehouse. We took a tour and he only has eyes for... yep it's a ball. He found the guys basketball they play with on their down time and played with it the whole time we were there. Moriella did summer camp and made her tye-dyed shirt she is wearing and the sand art whale she is holding that you can barely see.
Datan at his Lemonade Stand. I bought limes and lemons to decorate my table this summer, well everyday Datan made me make Lemonade for him. And everyday he begged me to let him do a lemonade stand. So I finally gave in and we did it. He had so much fun and made $18. (I didn't make him pay me back the $8 for the lemons, $4 bottled water, $5 for cups, etc. That is a lesson for another day.) Thanks to all my neighbors who stopped and helped out my little boy.
Datan doing what all five year olds think is funny and letting the water shoot up his nether regions.
This is his preschool graduation picture. He is so excited to start kindergarten. I wish I had the option to send him last year. He would have done great.