My Moriella. She is the funniest girl. She has this quarky funny sense of humor that is actually really funny. She can always make us laugh and smile.

She is an independent woman. She loves to play by herself or read books and just do her own thing. At play group all the Mom's tell me she likes to play by herself. I say, "yep that's my girl."
She is my little Mama. She will take care of anyone and everyone. From her cousins, to her brothers (who don't appreciate her mothering.) To an adult who simply states that they are thirsty (5 min. later a sweet little girl comes walking up holding a glass of water...with ice.) She also loves to help Mom which I love.
Even though you can't tell here. She is our little princess. It is so fun and I love that she has gotten me to love the princess thing for the first time in my life. You're beautiful, Moriella.

She has a sweet shyness accompanied by a quiet confidence. I don't really know how to explain it but it's part of who she is.

Did I say she's independent. I told her not to put on her cousins new birthday skates. That didn't stop her she got them out of the package and put them on all by herself. Nothing's going to stop her in life. We love you Princess.